The Everton Wolves began officially in October 1969 at a public meeting, but goes much further back. The club was formed from local families aswell as from the Golden Valley Football Club and the Oakleigh Football Club (latter became Ashgrove) both of which no longer exist.
Enoggera Memorial Grounds was created in 1920 after WW1 and the Enoggera Show was held there until 1939. After this it became a cow paddock and in the first year, parents had to shoo the cows off the field and shovel cow pats off before games could begin. By 1974, the main field was set up and was no longer a cow paddock but a playing field.
Golden Valley amalgamated with Everton at the end of 1974, although the Wolf has always been the club emblem, originally the club had a blue jersey with a red sash. With the amalgamation, the club's colours changed to adopt the gold from the Golden Valley Falcons to replace the red.
In 1975 lights were organised for the main field and the clubhouse was finished with the opening of the Ernie Adams Gymnasium (now the clubroom).
In 1976 the club first had a seniors team when the Stafford Stars become a part of the Wolves.
The club won its first premiershisp in 1979 with the U12 being the first followed by the Seniors in the next week.
Everton fielded a senior team up until 1990, when it ceased following winning both the Senior and Reserve Grand finals.
The club has grown since being reduced to only an Auskick group in 1999 and almost closing at a Special General Meeting.
In 2016 the club fielded its first all female team and continues to grow towards its 50th anniversary in 2019.
The club continues to improve facilities with both ovals having irrigation and match lighting making it the only inner north club with 2 full sized AFL ovals.
In 2021 we have over 300 players. This is a record high not seen since the club was merged with Golden Valley in 1975. This is testamont to the great club spirit, dedication of its volunteers and adhesion to its ethos of maximum participation and not a "win at all costs attitude".
Our Club
Committee Members
Where to find the Den
Everton Wolves AFC
93 Mott Street, Gaythorne QLD 4051
Covering Ashgrove, Enoggera, Michelton, Everton Park, Gaythorne and Oakleigh Areas.
Social Committee Chair
Howler Editior